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New constructions and extensions | Europe

Logistics spaces and a gate in Immenstadt, Germany

Locator, wo sich Immenstadt auf der Karte befindet


  • Building: Im 311/Im 312 Logistics building/high-bay facility Im 861/Im 862 Truck driver registry station/automatic locked gate
  • Client: CC
  • Occupant: CC
  • Building area: 7,362 m2 NFA
  • Project costs: incl. infrastructure 22.9 million euros
  • Constructed: 03/2022 – 07/2023
Locator, wo sich Immenstadt auf der Karte befindet
Relatively plain from the outside: the highbay facility

At the Immenstadt plant – home to the Chassis Systems Control business division – the material flow has undergone substantial changes and is now largely automated. In addition to the collection of products from the factory premises, there will also be deliveries of raw materials and parts. This was made possible by the construction of a logistics building, a high-bay warehouse, a registration terminal, and an automated truck gate, among other things.

Aerial view of the site with traffic circlel

First of all, there is the logistics building Im 311: It offers plenty of space for incoming goods, conveyor technology, offices, break rooms, and sanitary spaces in an area of 3,840 square meters. In addition, the building houses workstations where associates unpack and repack materials after delivery. The goal was to create a spacious and contiguous area for logistics. That was why the new building was connected to the existing neighboring building and, in accordance with official requirements, combined into a shared fire compartment. To connect the new building to the existing logistics system, a new aisle for driverless container transport technology was installed in the ceiling area, among other things. The access ramp in the delivery area was designed for the use of mega-trailers.

Einblick in die Fördertechnik

In addition, an automated small container warehouse was built next door as a high-bay facility (Im 312). This is where GR prepared the building site and finished the ground slab. In the following step, a system supplier constructed the building envelope, including all the technical equipment.

But it is the new, additional gate in the south-western area of the factory premises that deserves special mention. It functions automatically and makes it possible to access the plant around the clock, with no need for personnel. As a result, the truck drivers also have a much shorter route to the lower-level courtyard. The automated gate is supplemented by a terminal where drivers can register when they arrive. The 22 waiting bays for trucks are also new, as well as the adjacent sanitary building, which includes a shower. Additionally, a new traffic circle was built on public property to provide optimal access to the area.

Lageplan von dem Gebäude
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