GR - Global Real Estate

Which region of the world is home to the most floor space in Bosch Group buildings? How is it used? And how much money was invested in 2023?

This is the year in property from the perspective of Global Real Estate: facts, figures, and data.

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customers are supported by Global Real Estate around the world – most of them Bosch Group associates. If all of them stood in a line, it would be 350 kilometers long. That’s approximately the distance by car between Stuttgart and our site in Eisenach, Thuringia, where the 48-volt battery is produced.


The diagram shows how the Bosch Group’s properties developed between 2019 and 2023. It indicates the square meters of net floor area (NFA, usable space). The graphic draws a distinction between owned and rented property in Germany and other countries. While the total square meters of floor space remained essentially the same between 2019 and 2021, that figure has slowly begun to increase since 2022. This is primarily due to the acquisition of properties in other countries. Compared to 2018, Bosch currently uses 10 percent fewer properties. This figure was reduced through consolidation, including the reduction of rental properties.


The Bosch Group properties cover approximately 20 million square meters of usable floor space – that’s about 2,800 soccer fields. This includes properties and buildings owned by the Bosch Group, as well as rentals. The majority are located in Germany. The extent of the properties in the rest of Europe is approximately equivalent to the properties in Asia, Pacific, and Africa. A further 13 percent of the properties are located in the Americas. In global terms, total floor space has increased slightly during both of the last two years.

* Bosch Group including subsidiary companies and affiliated companies with a Bosch share of more than
50% (not including BSH). Last updated: 01/2024. Source: GR/BUD Annual Floor Space Survey.
65 percent – about two-thirds of the total floor space – is used by production. In this case, “production” includes all buildings that house production lines.


Maintenance costs: a breakdown

One fifth of the annual maintenance costs goes toward the upkeep and maintenance of the properties – the largest share of the funds. Just over one quarter of the money is spent on utilities for the sites, such as water, gas, and electricity. Amortizations comprise 17 percent, while rental costs account for five percent. Less than one percent goes toward communications and IT costs. Nearly 15 percent is invested in other areas. Source: GR/BUD, Last updated: 01/2024


Bosch has been carbon-neutral since 2020 – and Global Real Estate’s integrated planning and implementation has done its part here. We are continuously working toward the goals we want to achieve by 2030. Primarily, we hope to further improve our energy efficiency and generate more renewable energy ourselves. We also plan to procure more electricity from renewable sources. On the other hand, however, we plan to scale back our carbon offsets by 2030.

Source: Global Real Estate; Based on: CF budget figures, 09/2023
Energy efficiency - Saving energy and using it more efficiently Goal for 2030: 1.7 terawatt hours/year
Generating our own energy - By using photovoltaic systems, for instance Goal for 2030: 400 gigawatt hours/year
Offsetting - Offsetting unavoidable carbon emissions Goal for 2030: maximum of 15% (based on 2018 figures)
Green electricity - Procuring electricity from renewable sources Goal for 2025: 98%/Goal for 2030: 100%