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New constructions and extensions | Europe

E-Bike campus in Kusterdingen, Germany

Locator, der zeigt, wo sich Kusterdingen auf der deutschen Karte befindet


  • Building: Ku 710 Office and lab building
  • Client: AE
  • Occupant: EB
  • Building area: 24,000 m2 NFA
  • Project costs: 66.5 million euros
  • Constructed: 08/2018 – 06/2021
Locator, der zeigt, wo sich Kusterdingen auf der deutschen Karte befindet
Foto vom Gebäude und der Teststrecke
A test track requires surfaces such as sand and rocks as well as hills and steps.

There is a new e-bike campus in Kusterdingen near Tübingen. This is where e-bike drives and accessories are being developed and marketed in a 24,000 square meter office and laboratory space. The new campus was built for several reasons: To make a welcoming impression on customers and bring the Bosch eBike Systems (EB) brand to life. Most notably, it offers a working environment where the associates feel comfortable. Everyone already greatly appreciates the building – all areas are being used intensively, and customers are happy to be there.

As planned, the new work environments reflect the spirit of the brand. They offer associates flexible spaces to share ideas, including meeting rooms and individual workstations with shared desks. This creates ideal conditions for meaningful collaborations between product and customer teams and to ensure that innovative
e-bike drives and accessories will continue to be developed in Kusterdingen. By the way, associates can test the new products directly on site. A test and event track is right next to the building.

Open office spaces with sofas to retreat to
Welcome to the eCampus: the reception area in the foyer.
Both fact and work assignment: “We make bicyclists smile”.

The basement accommodates laboratory areas, changing rooms, and a bicycle garage for associates with around 200 spaces. Two exterior ramps enable direct e-bike access. The new building is supplied with heat, cooling, and cold water from the energy supply center, which also takes care of the sprinklers and compressed air. The facilities are connected via the above-ground AGV passage and its underground extension into the basement of the new building. The data and electrical systems were connected separately via existing media.

The property has its own access road. EB has rented an additional 500 parking spaces for the cars of associates and customers in a newly constructed public garage.

The newly developed e-bike drives are checked on the test track right next to the building.
Lageplan Kusterdingen
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