Test your knowledge of cooperation at Global Real Estate!

1. How many countries work together at GR?
- A: 7
- B: 17
- C: 57
2. What does the abbreviation CST stand for?
- A: Central Speech Time
- B: Cluster Service Teams
- C: Collaboration Saves Trouble
3. What are the guiding values of the GR culture?
- A: Communication, innovation, passion, and networking
- B: Risk-taking, recklessness, piracy, and laziness
- C: Free time, fun, love, and harmony
4. Which of our GR colleagues were together at the photo shoot for this issue?
- A: Tobias und Tracy
- B: Massimo und Tracy
- C: Paddy und Bogumila
Answers: 1c, 2b, 3a, 4a